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Register for a program in the community or contact me to bring CCT to your organization


Compassion Cultivation Training© (CCT) can increase self-compassion
and self-care; reduce stress, anxiety, and depression;

and enhance our connection with others.



What is Compassion Cultivation Training©?

Compassion Cultivation Training© was developed by experts in contemplative studies, psychology, neuroscience, and adult education at Stanford University.


In eight, two-hour, sessions participants will explore facets of compassion such as loving-kindness, self-compassion, common humanity, and active compassion practice through lectures, in-class discussions, and interactive exercises. Daily mindfulness practices that progress from week to week support this exploration and move compassion from an idea into a habit.



Who participates in Compassion Cultivation Training©?

CCT is designed to support anyone who wants to cultivate compassion for themselves and for others. This includes parents, caregivers, healthcare professionals, therapists, educators, students, executives, public servants, police officers, and people in a wide range of other professions and life contexts.



Where is Compassion Cultivation Training© offered?

As a Certified Teacher trained by Founding Faculty of the Compassion Institute in southern California, I offer the eight-week course for individuals at locations throughout Calgary, and also to organizations who offer it to employees as professional development or an employee benefit.



What are the benefits of taking Compassion Cultivation Training©?

While everyone will have their unique experience, research shows CCT can lead to:

  • Happiness

  • Acceptance of emotions as they are

  • Self-acceptance

  • Job satisfaction

  • Self-caring behaviour

  • Compassion for self and others

  • Openness to receiving compassion from others



What is the program fee for Compassion Cultivation Training©?

The CCT program fee of $397 CAD includes:

  • Weekly 2-hour class, with lectures, discussions, & in-class interactive exercises

  • Daily meditation practices that progress from week-to-week

  • Guidance that helps you move new practices into long term habits

  • Membership in a local community of compassion practice that hosts periodic events online and in-person to support your ongoing commitment to catalyzing compassion in our world.

Stay informed about the next 8-session offering of Compassion Cultivation Training

planned for Fall 2024.

Thanks for your interest!


University of Calgary

“I am better at catching my negative thoughts towards myself and others, and redirecting them to be kinder and more compassionate.”



Contact me to discuss how we can customize these 1-2 hour workshops for your context.

The science of compassion

People think compassion comes from the heart.
Your brain is involved too! Together we'll explore current research on compassion.


Learn how to strengthen the awareness, motivation, vulnerability and action necessary to address
systemic racism through compassion practice.

Barriers to Compassion

People want to be compassionate, and yet
that is not always the case. Learn what's going on.

CREAting A CULTURE OF compassion

Let's make a plan for catalyzing compassion in your organization.



Calgary, AB

which is located on the traditional territories of the Blackfoot confederacy: Siksika, Kainai, Piikani, the Îyâxe Nakoda and Tsuut’ina nations, as well as the Métis Nation of Alberta, Region 3.

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